Frescoes & decorations

1939 Decoration of one of the four entries of the French Pavilion at the Water Exhibition in Liège – Belgium – (36 m²), with Annette FAIVE (1911-1988)

1941 Fresco in Marcelin Berthelot High School, in Saint-Maur-des-Fossés (16 m²)

1944 Decoration of the Richelieu lecture theatre of the Faculty of Arts in Poitiers

1947 Decoration for the city hall of Saint-Germain-en-Laye (32 m²) – Purchase by the French State – The work has never been exhibited.

1950 Decoration of the chapel of Saint-Camille Hospital in Bry-sur-Marne (10 m²)

1950 Various decorations for private collectors

1953 Decoration of Nogent-le-Rotrou’s high school (4 panels of 3 m²)

1955 1955 Decoration of the Malakoff technical high school (33m²)

1961 Decoration of the Roussillon apartment on the liner France (Les vendanges 89 x 130 cm)

1961 Decoration of the Ecole Supérieure Estienne – 13th district of Paris

1962 Decoration of the library of the Science Faculty in Orsay University

1964 1964 Decoration of the ceiling of the Honoré d’Estienne d’Orves High School in Nice (la fête marine)

1964 Decoration of the Technical High School in Châtellerault

1964 Decoration for the Salon de la Philatélie (philately exhibition), now at the central post office in Mâcon

1965 Decoration in the Pierre de Ronsard Secondary School – 17th district of Paris (4 panels : les quatre saisons)

1966 Decoration of the Edouard Vaillant High School in Vierzon

1968 Decoration of the Gaston Berger Technical High School in Lille (Sports is the theme)